
NLP Seminar

We worked through "Natural Language Processing" by Jacob Eisenstein.
NLPDependency ParsingDistributional Semantics
Natural Language Processing Seminar

During my time with the Miyao Group at the University of Tokyo, I engaged in a comprehensive Natural Language Processing (NLP) seminar in the summer semester of 2020. We covered the book “Natural Language Processing” by Jacob Eisenstein. Our student group held weekly meetings to present, discuss, and deepen our understanding of each chapter. My contributions primarily focused on Dependency Parsing and Distributional Semantics, and below I will share my presentation slides for these topics.

Chapter 11 - Dependency Parsing

"Natural Language Processing - Chapter 11 Dependency Parsing" presentation slides by Felix Dietrich

Chapter 14 - Distributional and Distributed Semantics

"Natural Language Processing - Chapter 14 Distributional and Distributed Semantics" presentation slides by Felix Dietrich

Book by Jacob Eisenstein

We worked through most of the book “Natural Language Processing” by Jacob Eisenstein.

"Natural Language Processing" by Jacob Eisenstein